wwhere ideas meet execution

Manage the complete lifecycle of your experiments and complex workflows, from project inception to production deployment and monitoring.

Visual Workflow Designer

workflow designer
Easy Drag & Drop UI
Task Status & Dependencies
Parameter Optimization
Visual Workflow Designer

Coretex offers you a coherent way to manage your workflows. With our intuitive visual editor, you can easily set up tasks and use datasets. For those who want more control, our advanced editor lets you tweak every detail. With Coretex, you don't just manage; you optimize for efficiency and accuracy.

Efficient MLOps

run details preview
Progressive Monitoring
Model Tagging
Resource Tracking
Efficient MLOps

Your all-in-one MLOps solution. We simplify dataset management, streamline workflows, and prioritize your models. From experiment tracking to deployment, Coretex has your ML operations covered efficiently.

One-Click Deployment

datasets table
Detailed Access Control
Continuous Deployment
One-Click Deployment

Convert your model or any arbitrary code into an API endpoint using Coretex Functions. Control access, monitor and limit usage and easily update your endpoints with better versions of models. Retrain and deploy continuously on your server or in the cloud.

Ready-To-Use Templates

template code
Large Language Models
Computer Vision
DNA Sequence Analysing
Motion Classification
Ready-To-Use Templates

If you're addressing common challenges in bioinformatics, computer vision, or motion recognition, we offer cutting-edge algorithms, allowing you to concentrate on achieving results. We're constantly expanding this collection, so feel free to contribute with your own.

Automated DataOps

dataset lineage
Dataset Manipulation
Cached Environments
Advanced Upload
Automated DataOps

Swiftly transfer your data for faster experiments and quickly iterate with smart caching. Packed with user-friendly tools, once you're in Coretex, you have everything you need without switching platforms.

Zero Config

node details preview
Easy to use CLI
On Premise or Cloud
Multiple Architectures
Zero Config

With Coretex's CLI, setup is a breeze. Just install, enter your credentials, and transform any machine, on-premises or cloud-based, into a computation powerhouse. We handle the backend infrastructure so you can focus on what matters.

Collaboration for the Modern Team

collaboration modal
Access Control Lists
Flexible Sharing
Detailed Reports
Collaboration for the Modern Team

Effortlessly collaborate on projects with your team members using Access Control List (ACL). Share workflow results and reports even outside your development team (i.e. management or stakeholders) in a single click.

BioMech logovcu logoelizur logoGolf Galaxy logoUniversity of Zurich logoNear logoMobile Rehab logo
BioMech logovcu logoelizur logoGolf Galaxy logoUniversity of Zurich logoNear logoMobile Rehab logo
stacked layers


Enables diverse uses in MLOps, bioinformatics, and more, accommodating various data types, including computer vision, IMU, NLP, and databases.



All-in-one tool for dataset management, workflow orchestration, model registry, coherent user management, and cost control. Python code remains untouched - no changes needed.

attached stacked layers


Ensures security with secrets manager, user-controlled compute nodes, and granular access control for projects and execution permissions.

Use Cases

VCU | Sinergija
University Education
Protected by NDA
University of Zurich logo
Forensics Institute Zurich
Anapty logo
Document Recognition AI
Elizur | BioMech Lab
Healthcare & Recovery
Golf Galaxy | BioMech Golf
Sport Analytics
Pipelines executed
GB of data processed
ML models trained
Days of total execution time
Endpoints deployed to production
Actions triggered


Frank Fornari
Natasha Arora
mila logo
Felipe Codevilla
Annie Cunningham
Frank Fornariconnection line
Natasha Aroraconnection line

In the early days of BioMech, my team and I frequently struggled to meet product delivery deadlines. We were using spreadsheet-based experiment tracking which was far from efficient. When we included Coretex in BioMech’s daily workflow, with its lightning data modeling features, our productivity soared. Now, thanks to this platform, our project timelines are back on track - no more delays, no more spreadsheet headaches. Coretex helps us every day to better understand our customer’s needs in healthcare and to deliver exceptional applications.

Frank Fornari
Phd - Chairman
Phd - Chairman
and Co-Founder of BioMech

As a researcher working on microbiome sequencing applications, and a mentor of PhD and MSc students at the University of Zurich, this platform has simplified our project studies. When working with microbial DNA sequences, i.e. with .fastq files, our group spends most of their time preprocessing reads and testing various parameter values. It used to be extremely time-consuming, requiring manual and repetitive process. With Coretex's parameter optimisation feature we can now run multiple experiments with a single click. This streamlined process has significantly improved our efficiency and productivity, allowing me to focus more on the management. Furthermore, as an educator, Coretex's transparency in code and results is invaluable. I can easily track and assess my students' progress, ensuring that their work aligns with the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

Dr Natasha Arora
Research Associate at Zurich
Research Associate at Zurich
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich

Having spent countless years as an AI/ML researcher, I've become quite skilled in training neural networks. Running a lot of experiments is the essence of my work, and keeping track of execution parameters and results is pivotal. I've tested a number of tools, but Coretex stands out as clean and elegant. Its potential is obvious, offering an all-in-one solution that simplifies my workflow. Once you move in there's no need for you to leave the platform – it's all here. Coretex elegantly unifies the myriad tools an ML researcher requires. It does have the potential to be a go-to tool for many professionals and will play an important role in the market.

Felipe Codevilla
Post Doctoral Researcher -
Post Doctoral Researcher -
ex Mila, Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute

In March 2023, our partners at elizur, the durable medical equipment experts, reached out to me to discuss creating a real-time arm drop test detector, which they needed to detect arm anomalies in patients with bone and nerve defects. In the past, such a task would have taken us months of painstaking development. Instead, we put Coretex to the test, and the results were beyond our expectations. In just a single day, we had the arm drop test detector up and running, and it was performing with accuracy of 97%! Coretex compressed a development challenge that historically would have taken months into one completed in days. The speed and accuracy that Coretex brought to our clients not only saved us valuable time but also transformed our approach to building world-class applications.

Annie Cunningham
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
at BioMech
Felipe Codevilla
mila logo
connection line
Annie Cunningham
connection line


Converting data to
insights, one workflow
at a time

Unlock the future of workflow management with Coretex. Simplify and automate your data workflows and run them seamlessly with our platform.


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